Palynostratigraphy of the Naredi (Lower Eocene) and the Harudi (Middle Eocene) formations in the District of Kutch, India
The palynological assemblage from the Naredi Formation (Lower Eocene) comprises 65 spore-pollen genera and 92 species, while that of the Harudi (Middle Eocene) has only 26 genera and 30 species. Triorites triangulus Cenozone is proposed for the lower Gypseous Shale Member of the Naredi Formation. This cenozone is characterized by the abundance of Cupuliferoipollenites ovatus, Tricolpites reticulatus, Lakiapollis ovatus and Cyathidites minor. For the lower part of the Harudi Formation, Proxapertites microreticulatus Cenozone is proposed where Palmaepollenites kutchensis, Scantigranulites sparsus and Couperipollis kutchensis are also found as significant taxa. The cenozones have been compared with the other Lower Tertiary cenozones of India.
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